Empty House ( for the living not the unborn)

she is empty and she is cold and she wants more people to be in her home
she has heat and she has warmth but she is empty and all alone
she wants laughter and joy, she wants to welcome anyone home

I live with her each day her name is mary. she has four rooms and many entry ways one at the front and the other at the back, even one hidden in the basement. I so desperately long for my house to be filled. I have two rooms that have warm comforters on the beds. I often think people come over here and think that i am preparing a home for babies to be born. Two rooms empty awaiting a visitor, but not for the unborn, for the living...someone. Anyone who is cold and needs warmth, hungry and needs food, and tired and needs to rest. I often watch out my window as people walk by and i ask "does he have a home? Does he need a place to rest?" Maybe i am not close enough to offer this to people but i desperately want this house to be filled. There is a park just up the street which could be someone's home but i never see him or her...they never show me their face. We have offered our home to many who have needed a place, they don't want it, they want their own. I Pray that God will show me who will fill our home. I will wait....I will wait...

IF these walls could talk what would they say?

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