things that make you go hmm!

i cried it is i cried and was angry and well all the emotions that one can feel at once. I have the sign that says "for sale" that is my house is for sale. It really is hard and really weird and all together scary. I go the nerves today about living with other people...cause you see i like my space, i like my things, and well frankly i really like it all to myself!

Sharing is so hard, and i don't mean sharing crayons, i mean sharing the big things in life, like your life. Your vulnerable moments, your moments that you want no one to see. I like my privacy my special quiet times with Aubrey...and my very loud moments with my husband...

Today i question whether i am really up for this community thing...if i want my kids to never be in their own home, and bla bla bla.

And the other thing that made me angry today is seeing myself in an ever so overweight photo! know...!

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