money money money

if it were true that money can grow on trees today would be the day that i would like to find that tree...we are going through some changes with a new house somewhere in the future...and a house to sell. With that said there are some added costs to buying and selling your house. one is you need to have money to make things nice a presentable so that you can get top dollar for your house!

But with all the money going out the window before the place is even on the market well lets say that is a little scary. So Jord went to get an egg mcmuffin today and the balance in the bank was zero! Ahhhhhhhh! Panic sets in and then i check the bank and sure enough cheques that were wrote a long time ago have been cashed and well etleast all the bills were paid!

this is my money if you find that tree could you let me know where it is rooted cause right now i need to find it!

cheers from one poor bastard to another

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