walking in hamilton

Jordan and I went for a walk yesterday...and we ran into a fight breaking out at a local bar! this guy just slapped a man across the face and was ready to kick his face in and then it broke up...nothing like it really, the smell of hamilton in the air fighting happening in the local bar...really lovely. i think next time i go for a walk i might bring my camera...i mean there was great action that all of you could have enjoyed with me!!! ha ha ha...it was actually really disturbing and weird for around 7:30 at night. i had little aubrey on the front of me in a little carrier and Jord was walking the dog...i think the man that was attacked was the owner of the bar? but i am not 1oo%. Anyhow that was the excitment for us yesterday on James street.

cheers to another crazy day in the hammer

1 comment:

Margie said...

In all it's craziness... I love it! It is truly part of my heart and love!