planted a garden last night

i did the unthinkable really? I planted a garden even though I thought that i wouldn't because we are selling our house. But hey what the hell it was so much fun really and i just love the relaxation of doing something i love.

I did another unthinkable as well...i went to watch Jordan play ultimate frisbee and i ended up subing in for a couple of points because the team was short on girls. I can't run at was so discouraging thing. I used to always be good of even better at year I won athlete of the year....that is a real laughing matter now. I can barely do a fligh of stairs without dying. So i decided i need to get more active and i think it is a good goal... i know it takes a long time to get your body back to normal but i wasn't expecting it would take a year...and at the rate i am going it may take a year.

from a mother who can't quiet believe she isn't and athlete anymore!

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